Working from home is the ultimate goal for a lot of people today, and it is becoming a real possibility across many different industries. If you have a passion for photography and you are thinking about starting your own home-based business, read on to discover the key steps you need to follow.
Decide what types of photography services you are going to provide – The first thing you need to do is decide what type of photography business you are going to be. Rather than trying to cater to everyone’s needs, you will usually find that you can attract more customers by providing a niche service. For example, you may decide to do wedding photography, or you may take photographs for businesses that require unique content for their brochures. Zone in on what you are best at and focus on that.
Develop your business plan – Just because you are setting up a business from home does not mean you don’t need a business plan. This is really important. It’s your roadmap to success and it will help you not only plan but to also stay the course. This takes time and all the thought and effort you can muster. You still need to outline all of the details of your business, including the services you will provide, marketing strategies, financial projects, and how you will differ from the competition.
Determine a business structure – Decide whether to create a limited liability company (LLC), an S-Corp, a C-Corp or a sole proprietor. Speak to people, speak to your accountant, look up the differences online. It’s a very important step, so make sure it’s the right one for you.
Create a business name – Take the time to find the perfect name for your business. This will become one of the most important parts of your brand identity, so you need to choose something that you are going to be happy with for years and years, and something that reflects the type of photography you do.
Officially establish your photography company – Once you have a business structure and name, you will need to obtain the correct license and permits required. This depends on where you are based.
Gather the suppliers and equipment you need – You probably already have some photography equipment if this is your hobby. However, you need to determine whether your existing equipment is of the level of quality required. You can’t afford to cut corners once you turn professional. The Nikon D3400 is a popular choice amongst experts. Don’t forget all of the other supplies you are going to need too. This includes packaging to deliver the photos, quality photo paper, photo editing software, batteries, flashes, and lenses. You may also need screens and lights so that you can control lighting for better photographs.
Marketing your business – Last but not least, you will need to create marketing materials. A website is a necessity, and it is also a good idea to consider business cards and brochures. You will need a portfolio to show off your work, but don’t use clients’ photographs without their permission. You will also need to master social media marketing, and it is advisable to attend events and trade shows that are catered to your market. For example, attend wedding shows if you are planning to do wedding photography.
There’s so much to consider when starting a business, whether it’s an at-home business or not. Just take your time and give it all you have. It’s always worth a shot creating something for yourself. It’s the best path toward success and it’s easily the most satisfying. It can be nerve-wracking, of course, but the risk is worth the reward. Best of luck!!
I’ve taken so many amazing pictures with my Nikkon for friends and ourselves that I thought about taking a few more classes in photography and going into business with it. Right now with my kids both in school, my slate on what I want to do with my life is wide open.
By the way, I have the Nikon 3400. It’s a wonderful camera. I’m working on getting a much larger zoom for it.