This post is sponsored by T-Mobile.
My kids never needed to ask me “what is a first responder?” They know and have known since they were little. It’s something that we have always talked about. From an early age, I’ve made sure they know how important first responders are in just about everyone’s life. It also helps a lot that the kids schools talk about how important they are.
What is a First Responder?
From police to fire to EMT workers, these are the people that are out there, saving lives each and every day. Many times, they put their own lives on the line in order to save others. To say that is not only wildly admirable is an understatement. It’s actually, in the realest sense of the word, heroic. Period, end of statement. These people are heroes and they are up and at it each and every single. day. So when you think “what is a first responder,” really think about how important a part they all are in your community as well in all the communities they serve.
Big Part of Our Life
We are very fortunate to know many first responders. First and foremost, my dad was an NYPD officer and we always love to hear about his experiences and see his old pictures. It’s a big part of our life and my whole family is so proud of all the work that my dad has done in New York City. In addition to my dad, my wife’s cousin is currently an NYPD officer and many of my good friends and neighbors are first responders as well. We are so lucky to be surrounded by all of these real-life heroes, true salt-of-the-earth type of people. They are an asset to any community they are in, and I’m more than pleased that they are in my family’s.
T-Mobile’s Magenta First Responder Plan
I am absolutely thrilled to let you know that my mobile phone company, T-Mobile is doing some more great things in our communities. This past October, T-Mobile launched Magenta First Responder, the best discount in wireless for first responders and their families, with 50% off family lines!!! It’s the same great industry-changing discount that military veterans and their families get with T-Mobile’s Magenta Military plan (also clearly the right thing to do)!! I am all about this and then some and I’m so pleased that the Un-carrier realized how important this really is!!
Big Discounts for First Responders
This is what I’m talking about, baby!! Show me the money for first responders!!! And T-Mobile is doing it big! With Magenta First Responder, a family of four can save up to $720 a year compared to Verizon’s first responder plans!!! It’s actually even more than that since the Un-carrier includes monthly taxes and fees!
With Magenta First Responder, our country’s state and local law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS personnel, and the small businesses they own can get 20% off the first line and 50% off up to five additional voice lines. This is a real discount amounting to real savings. It’s just $100 per month with AutoPay for a family of four with taxes and fees included.
Lots of Value
T-Mobile Magenta First Responder also includes Netflix on Us for families, the best customer care in wireless with a dedicated Team of Experts, unlimited hotspot with 3GB high-speed data per month, unlimited free texting and data and low flat rate calling in 210+ countries and destinations worldwide with Simple Global AND weekly free stuff and discounts every T-Mobile Tuesday.
T-Mobile Cares
T-Mobile’s Magenta First Responder Plan is just another way T-Mobile is saying ‘thank you’ to those who serve. Being a T-Mobile Ambassador over the past few months has been awesome for me. It’s given me some fantastic insights in how great T-Mobile’s network, value, and corporate culture really is!!! This is a company I love for the service, for the value of the service, and for IT’S values. They do a lot for the communities and the people they serve. It makes me feel a little bit better to have them be a valuable part of my family’s life.
Check out this great video of T-Mobile employees thanking First Responders!!
This post is sponsored by T-Mobile.
I have always love T-Mobile, but this makes me love them even more! What a wonderful thing they are doing!
We truly have a lot of respect for the first responders. I applaud T-Mobile for giving them and military veterans the discounts they truly deserve. They all go above and beyond for our communities.
That is so awesome T-Mobile has that plan for first responders. They definitely deserve it!
I have friends and family who are first responders. I need to tell them about this deal. I know they’ll appreciate it.
Hhhhmmm…I have followed your blog for a while now and T-Mobile doesn’t stop impressing me. I love the work they are doing for the people that put their lives on the line, to serve us!
What a fab idea and it is nice that you have your own personal story behind this too x
T-Mobile truly cares. I am so impressed with everything they offer including their very inexpensive PAYG plans for those of us who don’t have any $ and need a phone for emergencies. joy
I love seeing companies take action with first responders. Anything can happen in the lines of duty.
Wow, that’s a really awesome plan!
I am a T-mobile customer. This is amazing information to know!
we don’t have t-mobile here, but this looks amazing! great feature.
Cha at Little MisadvenCHA
It truly says a lot about a company that takes action in this manner. It’s good to know that T-Mobile has that plan for first responders