Family Movie Time
Family movie time is a Sweeney family mainstay. It’s something we do all the time and something that we love every time. Whether it’s in the movie theater or at home, we just love it. While we have seen a few movies this summer between birthday parties and lazy summer days, there are a few movies that just stand out. While there have been some really good ones, I think the number one of the list so far has been Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom! We went opening day and loved every minute of it. It had it all. Action, humor, cool dinosaurs. I mean, c’mon, dinosaurs man. It’s just one of those really fun movies that keep you entertained throughout…and it’s perfect for the kids. Nothing objectionable. It’s great.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Coming Home
The movie theater experience is always great, but there’s just something so easy and comfortable about watching it at home. With all the love we have for the movie, we have been impatiently counting down until the movie releases on Blu-Ray so we can experience the awesome all over again in the comfort of our living room. The good news is that the wait will be short-lived, baby! The newest installment of the action-packed Jurassic franchise – Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – arrives on Digital and via the digital movie app MOVIES ANYWHERE on September 4, and Blu-ray & DVD September 18. A perfect back-to-school present if I do say so myself.
How To Prepare
I know, I know….this is insanely good news. It’s just something to celebrate, really. The question is not WHETHER you will celebrate, but rather HOW will you celebrate? While there are so many ways to do so, I think I have a couple of ideas for you.
Number one: Prepare for back-to-school now. Just get it all out of the way. The shopping, the activities, the car pool schedules. Just crank it all out right now. Don’t let it hang out there. When September comes (I know, most people go back later in August, but still), you have to be ready to rock. This is serious business, so don’t let that silly back-to-school get in the way of getting all Jurassic and stuff.
Number two: Preorder your personal copy of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom right stinking now. Yes, don’t wait. Just do it, lock it in, and get yourself in the best possible position on the couch until that fateful day when it arrives in the mail. Bring water and snacks when you plant yourself, since you have a little less than 2 months to wait. Don’t worry, it will be worth it.
Number three: Check out all the dinosaurs you can while you patiently wait. I know you love Mr. Pratt and the amazing cast, but don’t the dinos steal the show every time? They are amazing, no doubt about it. While we can’t just yet see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in our homes just yet, you can visit a local dinosaur-type establishment, right??? Get your fill of T-Rex and the crew at a local museum! The kids will love it, and everyone will not only be learning about these great creatures, but they will be prepping for the day the Jurassic World comes home, baby!! For us, the American Museum of Natural History is simply awesome. It’s a great way to spend the day.
Number four: Check out this amazing trailer to pump you up while you wait. I know, I know, it’s just a little taste, but think of it as a nice little tapa or appetizer before the main course. Maybe the bread basket. We all love a good basket of bread, don’t we? Maybe some sourdough, some crispy crackers, who knows what’s laying in there. We do know that it is good, that it won’t last long, and that the main event is coming up very soon.
The Bread Basket
This trailer is your bread basket, but with less carbs and less fighting for the last piece:
More About The New Release
Building on the wonder and adventure that has mesmerized audiences worldwide, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom continues one of the most thrilling series in movie history with an adventure 65 million years in the making, captivating audiences of all ages with a stunning new chapter filled and more dinosaurs than any other Jurassic film! This bad boy features more than an hour of bonus content – including Chris Pratt’s behind-the-scenes “Jurassic Journals” captured on-set. That’s silly good.
Find Out More
I know you are anxious and can’t really wait, but alas, we have to. In the meantime, however, there are ways to get more Jurassic in our lives. You have to take it all in, however you can get it. Here are some great ways to do just that. Take a deep breath, relax, and just know that September is just around the corner. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – arrives on Digital and via the digital movie app MOVIES ANYWHERE on September 4, and Blu-ray & DVD September 18!!! BTS never felt so good, baby!
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This is a sponsored post. All love expressed is my own.
I am getting this for the family as soon as it comes out. We loved this movie so much. We saw it in the theaters twice, and both times were like the first time.
Having seen the trailer on one of our family movie nights at the theater, I can honestly say I’m excited to see this when it comes out. This looks like it’ll be an awesome movie.
Random thought, but I used to love playing the 94′ Jurassic Park SNES video game. I could never beat it! Can’t wait to see this movie!
I agree that sometimes it’s more comfortable to watch at home, and less expensive too, especially when you have a large family. I can’t wait to snag my copy for family movie night!
We saw it in theaters. I love the chemistry between the pair, they fit naturally well together. Without giving anything away for those who haven’t seen it, the scene with the roof…oy vey!! 🙂
Another awesome movie to get for our collection! It’s really fun to watch this movie and I enjoyed the story! I love that they’re already releasing a blu-ray for this! SO COOL!
We really can not wait to see this one!!!!
I saw this movie when it was in the theaters and it was so good! I definitely want to own this on Blu-ray or the digital version. Great movie!