Planning a staycation happens for a lot of reasons; it can be due to household budget constraints, difficulties in traveling long distances or simply a matter of preference. A staycation is basically defined as a vacation that is in one’s home country, or an at home vacation where one stays close to home and usually makes a day trip out of the event.
While a staycation won’t require as much planning as does a regular vacation faraway, you will still need to figure out how long and when this staycation will occur. Most staycations will happen during a weekend, usually Friday night into Sunday or perhaps a Saturday into Sunday. If you are a work at home household, then the days may be switched to what works best for you. Either way, the planning stage involves selected a date, time and how long the staycation will last.
Now that you have the duration of this staycation as well as the date figured out, it’s time to free up your schedule. Get all household chores completed, have all of the regular household duties such as paying bills or organizing the pantry done. There’s no reason to be doing anything except enjoying your staycation, free of work, chores and stress! Enlist the family to prepare for the staycation by assigning chores to everyone and having all tasks completed prior to the date this staycation will start.
With household duties out of the way, it’s time to start figuring out ground rules of the staycation. For example you may not wish to have electronics used, and have smartphone set to vibrate. Many families are using a staycation to reconnect, bond and relax from everyday life without spending a boat load of cash. This means you should completely detach from society and make a commitment to set rules that allow your family to detach without any possible temptations.
Gather up some board games, tickets to the local zoo and create a list of places you all will visit if you desire to do so during your staycation. This allows your family to reconnect and learn more about your home town while vacationing within your own home town. Staycations are a great way to build upon your bond as family and appreciate your home town on a deeper level. Get out there and enjoy…hopefully with a lot less stress!!!