How do you parent? What do you do or whom do you listen to for advice? How do you know what is good and what is bad? It’s a never ending saga, one that I doubt I will ever even come remotely close to figuring out. Sure, perhaps I can delude myself into thinking I am the best dada (Caleb’s seeping into my brain) in the world, with no match or peer anywhere. I actually kind of like the sound of that. You can just call me the Big BDitWwNMoPA for short.
Anyway, for those of you that are not the Big BDitWwNMoPA, there may be some hope for you just yet. Here’s some knowledge from a few of my friends, the help you get by…get the pun there? We’re going all visual this time!
- You don’t want to overfeed:
- Not sure what the problem is here:
- Brilliant, Adam, brilliant:
- You can’t spare the rod:
- Solid strategy: